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Christmas saffron cake


SAFFRON CAKE (mold of 22 cm diameter)

5 eggs "L" 125 gr Yogurt (preferably tropical taste)
300 g flour
200 gr Sugar
120 ml of sunflower oil
1 Envelope yeast A package of 0.20 gr. saffron threads
Zest of one lemon

Saffron Cake Preparation:
We throw in a bowl the eggs, sugar and yogurt. Beat with the help of rods. We incorporate the oil, lemon zest and saffron strands. Mix again, add the flour and yeast. Whisk gently until all ingredients are blended: Place a baking paper on a mold, in our case an old iron skillet. Pour batter into the mold. We spread a little sugar on top and enter into the oven preheated to 200 degrees. We left to do for 5 minutes, went down to 180 and keep inside the cake saffron another 30 minutes.
We check that the saffron cake is backed, before removing from oven.
Let it cool down and tasted.

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